Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ueno Park

The last day that I was in Tokyo was kind of a wind-down day. We had been non-stop on the move, and we didn't have any set plans for this last day. So Christina and I went to Ueno Park. Christina wanted to spend her day in the Tokyo Museum (which in the picture below is way behind me). I on the other hand was running out of money, and just decided to stay outside.

In retrospect, I should have gone in for a little while...but I had so much fun exploring by myself, that I just justify my actions by saying "eeh, all museums are the same"...which I don't believe...but hey. If I went in the museum I would have missed one of my favorite days so far in Japan. I just felt so peaceful walking around the park. Stopping to sit in the shade and listen to a different performance. Meeting random strangers who wanted to talk for a couple minutes.

It was a great day. Well, of course, except until that night when I had to hop back onto the nightbus to Hiroshima (and then local train to my city). *shutter* Nighbuses.

You have to take pictures in front of fountains. Its a rule. :)

I didn't actually go into the natural history museum, because I found it too close to the time that Christina was going to be done with her museum...but I love the blue whale. :)

The reason this guy was cool was because he talked to "us" a lot. I say " " because obviously I couldn't understand him. But he was very interactive with his audience. He had pictures, there on the ground, of all the places he has gone with his mobile drum set. There are pictures of him in like Pantagonia and stuff. Crazy! I mean, who was there to listen to him play? I person and some sideways trees?

Watch this guy playing his drum set! I was lucky because I was around when he rode up on his bike. He had his entire drum kit scrunched up on little bags hanging all over his bike. You can't even see the extent of his set...he kept changing the wood slab things that he was hitting (sorry, don't know the name of the instrument)...It took him over 30 minutes to set up his space. On the next post you will see a guy playing his guitar. I was watching the guy play his guitar, but I was more intrigued by watching this guy set up his drum area...with such care.

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