Monday, August 17, 2009


When we first got to Hiroshima, we went to eat Okonomiyaki. Well, I don't really like Okonomiyaki (too hard to explain what type of food a noodle pancake). So Christina ate Okonomiyaki at this pretty famous place called "Okonomi-mura" which is like 3 floors of dozens of restaurants all serving Okonomiyaki. It was really strange and cool. Imagine 30 burger places all right next to each-other, all busy busy busy, and all trying to draw more customers in. I ate there too, but just had a kimchi appetizer which really really upset my stomach later. Thats what I get...!

This is called "The A-Bomb Dome". It is the only ruins left intact, as ruins, as a site to show how important peace is. There are little paper cranes attached to it, as a symbol of peace.

These are thousands and thousands, probably millions of paper cranes. The boat picture that you see on the front window is all
made out of tiny cranes.

It is too sad of a story, and I just got weepy again thinking about it, but if you are interested in this Children's Memorial Park crane exhibit, you should look it up...:

Find: Sadako and the thousand paper cranes. You can search via google, or wikipedia, and can find out more about why this is so touching.

The last can probably barely see it...showcases a flame, that burns continually. This is a flame that will continue to burn until all the nuclear weapons on the earth have been safely neutralized.
Far in back you can see the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum...reminiscent of the Museum of Tolerance (although of course totally different)...insomuch as it had artifacts like burned clothing, replicas of Hiroshima
before and after the A-bomb, etc. I spent my biggest chunk of the day in there (this was August 12th). It was very sad...

Overall, I'm very happy that I made this visit to Hiroshima. The city has a lot to offer, and it was...wait for it.... actually.... A beautiful day! I pray weather like that hits Hofu.

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