Saturday, March 20, 2010


Kitsch Bar in Costa Mesa should really offer up their name to my bar here in Hofu. The name of my bar: Laughable. But Kitsch Bar would be a perfect name for it!

The manager is just 24, and kind of crazy! He says that he just opened an English dictionary, and picked the most interesting word on that page, to decide the name of his bar.

Even going to the bathroom there, is an adventure. You have to squat, with dozens of Mario's watching you.

At Laughable, all drinks are 5ooY. If you aren't sitting at the bar, and on the couches in the back, you have to honk a horn to get service. If you get bored, they have shelves and shelves of old retro-type games. You can play Operation, Jenga, Hungry Hungry Hippos.

You can play darts, slots, tetris. Or you can sit back an make friends with all the friendlies. You aren't allowed to go into Laughable without being friendly. That is the rule.

Where else can you drink a beer, and play Super Mario Kart on a wall! Lately I have been playing old school super Mario. Sometimes the owner agrees to give me a free drink if I can beat him. He's kind of an expert though. But I've gotten one or two out of it!

I started an arm wrestling competition, just for fun. Every single person in the bar that night got involved.

And because of that, I found out that I was officially the biggest weakling in the entire bar. The 100 pound, 2o year old bartender was even able to smash me down in a few seconds!

Wish I could take all of you guys one night! (My American friends).


  1. Uchi should name a seat after you. After all, you virtually keep the place in business!!!!!


  2. hahah! I should be like the Godfather there... :)
