Sunday, September 19, 2010


Me and Yumi pose with Pepsi-Baobab flavor!

Not sure if I've blogged about the dozens and dozens of kinds of Kit-kat flavors here, but I had no idea that other mainstream products get Japanese'fied/diversified! I remember Pepsi- Iced Cucumber from when I got here, but sort of forgot about it.

When I saw this bottle, I had to buy it! And I didn't like it. BUT I was telling myself not to like it, because good 'ole regular Pepsi is my paradigm. But, I think that if it was given to me in a plain cup, I would have enjoyed it very much!

Be sure to click on the article above, its pretty interesting, if you are into that kind of stuff. :D


  1. I think Pepsi Iced Cucumber would be so cool. But what is a Baobab? I've always thought it was just a tree mentioned in "The Little Prince".

    I am Fickle Cattle.

  2. Hi! Some kind of African Tree I guess! I've never heard of it before! :D Thanks for stopping by!
