Saturday, May 15, 2010

Easter Dinner

Aren't those the cutest things you've ever seen in your life!? I'm totally 100% making those next year! They are the white part of a boiled egg on the bottom. The body is rice, mixed with a little of the cooked yolk to give it color. The nose is straight yolk. The eyes are seaweed. It was the most awesome thing I've ever seen! And tasted.

Since I couldn't be with my family, I attended a church event for my Easter celebrations. There were a lot of people there!

It was potluck style, so I made a vat of pretty deluxe spaghetti. Well I think. It all got eaten, so that is good.

This was not all of the food, I jumped the gun on my picture taking.. But you can see that we had a lot of good things to choose from.

Lasagna! In Japan! It wasn't my mom's lasagna or anything, but it was pretty good. :)

Haha, when I was trying to take a picture of a dessert, this guy stuck his hand in, and jokingly told me to make his hand an "International Hand" because he knows that I keep this blog/diary. Little did he know, that his hand is now, actually, an International Hand!

So of course its a church event, so the great food and socializing was accompanied with an Easter Video, which entailed lots of tears.

But also! My friend Nozomi got her mission calling that night! She opened the package in front of everyone, and it was a suspenseful moment! I wish she go her calling in California...hehe, but no.

Nozomi used to go to one of the High Schools that I teach at. She was in the Choir there, so I decided to ask the music teacher there if he remembered her from years ago. He freaked out, and right away, pulled out this CD from in his desk, and played me one of her solo performances. He just keeps it right there in his desk! I think she was the best singer that school ever had. :)

She leaves soon, and will be in my thoughts and prayers!

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