Thursday, September 17, 2009

Student Essay

Here is my favorite essay of the day... these kids are so cute!!!!

"I wish I lived a house which can fly in the sky. If I lived there now I could go to school, shopping and all over Japan without walking, because the house made me take to a place where I wanted to go. The design would be very cute. It was ecology because it worked on wind force."

A-plus, student! I especially love that last how exactly can I correct that...? :) By the way, the movie "Up" hasn't come out here yet, so I don't think she was infringing on any kind of copyright. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steffy Steff! When I first read this I automatically thought of Howl's Magic Castle...or was it Flying Castle. Maybe the kids are watching a lot of Miyazaki. Miss you!
