Sunday, September 27, 2009

Softbank Hawks versus Rakuten Eagles

I went to see a real live Japanese baseball game on Saturday the 12th. It was fun~ ! Too bad travel is so expensive in Japan... It took me about $70 roundtrip to get to Fukuoka...and only $20 for the game. I went with Sherese, Chris, (2 closest sitting next to me above), and Dustin and Ryan, on the other side of me, not pictured.
Here is the baseball arena in Fukuoka, Japan. I guess the dome can be covered, or not, according to the weather. Can baseball fields in the United States do that? Anyways, Fukuoka's team is the Softbank Hawks. It only took me a little while in the game to realize that I was ta fan of the opposing team...the opposing team had cuter players, and their fans were so cool! I guess we were sitting closer to the opposing section.
The Rakuten Eagles were dominating most of the game...but in 6th or 7th inning (spelling?) the Softbank Hawks made a comeback...Just not enough to win.
I totally had a crush on Number 3 of the Rakutens. He had some great catches and stuff too. :) I wonder if right now, in this pic, they are speaking Japanese to each-other or English. Is the lone white guy on the team like real friends with them, or only teammates on the field?
Above: Just a bit of video from the game... In general, I think Japanese games are very lively compared to American ones. I'm not sure though...I don't know if I've actually been to a major league game in the U.S. But from what I've heard, most are pretty serious and quiet. In the Japanese game, there was ALWAYS loud cheering or music playing going on.

P.S. What was quite interesting to me is that the main announcer guy..I don't know what you call him, but the main MC of the game...he was a white guy, speaking in the most perfect Japanese around. Even the Japanese people didn't realize he was white until they saw him up on the screen being all rowdy and interviewing people in the audience (in Japanese). Cool~!

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