Monday, April 18, 2011

Jenny's Visit 1

My sister came to visit me in Japan a little while back. The very first day we arrived, many of my students wanted to meet her. I think about 20 students showed up to eat dinner together. My sister is such a trooper....staying up despite Jet lag and having a great time at the dinner! She may look a little uninterested in the photo below, but trust me, she had a GREAT time with my students. At least with 3 out of the 4 tables we all occupied. One table was acting a little too cool for school, but even they had fun :)

Peace and love to Japan in this difficult time...

My sister fell asleep nicely after our dinner, and after a good 12 hour block of sleep, her jet lag was non-existent. So we went to lunch in the famous Sanzoku restaurant. I thought I may have blogged about Sanzoku before, but I can't quickly locate any such I'll tell you that Sanzoku means "pirate" and this Pirate restaurant, up in the mountains is more like a mini-amusement park. There are so many photo ops there, from serious beautiful scenery, to taking your picture with sushi that is 3 meters tall.

Sanzoku is famous for it's chicken and it's onigiri (rice balls). The rice balls actually became so famous, that at least in Yamaguchi--7/11's or/and Lawsons, Family Mart (these are the 3 big convenience store chains) sell them. If you know anything about onigiri...wait, you can easily find out here: click. But if you know anything about onigiri, toss those notions out the window. Because Sanzoku's onigiri is 3 or 4 times the size and has 3 big helpings of 3 different fillings!

Also, as you can see, you eat the chicken on a stick...just like a pirate! (I ate fish on a stick).

Above: Chicken on a Stick, cooked over charcoal. Anybody who's anybody over here knows about Sanzoku chicken. :)

More on my sister's trip later! Have a great day guys!

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