Monday, February 28, 2011


I got a package from my mother today. Inside this package were 100 Del Scorcho sauces. Yes. 100 sauces. :) Did I already mention about this in a blog post? My uncle gave me a HUGE box of Del Scorcho for Christmas. He had to drive to multiple Del Tacos to acquire that many sauces. It was probably the most touching gift I have ever received in my entire life. I feel bad for everyone else that will never be able to top it.

Anyways, I couldn't get them all back to Japan. I did get a big big bag through customs. But they were almost all gone (I tend to use 2~4 a day), so my mom sent more (with other stuff, lol...I got some new pants, face wash, toothpaste, books, etc).

Because I got all these Del Scorchos, I thought I'd just share some of my food experience with you all. What do I use the Del Scorcho on, you ask? Well, a typical after-school snack for me is a piece of bread, with a little cheese on it, toasted. Then after its toasted and the cheese is melted, on go 2 packs of Del Scorcho. I also use it on top of rice dishes. Tofu here is like 40 cents for a big block of it. I have a specialty~ Del Scorcho Tofu. The recipe is a secret. But it includes a lot of Del Scorcho. hehe. What else? Just anything. Anything that you might put ketchup or mustard on~Del Scorcho is better. Del Scorcho and lime on top of a whole fish.

Okay, I'll stop bugging you about Del Scorcho. On to other foods in my life. :)

Here is Hitomi, me, Noriko and Jennie. We are making takoyaki. You can read more about takoyaki in a previous post: here.

This is our 2nd or 3rd octopus balls party. About time for another one, I would say!

Above is another burrito day that I made at my school! My English club is only 8 girls, but through word of mouth, exactly 39 people showed up! And guess what????? I had exactly 39 tortillas!! Costco delivered me a pack of 40, but I couldn't help but eat a quesadilla the night before the party. Good thing I was only hungry for 1! So, I am 100% sure that this is the first time that these students have ever eaten: 1. a tortilla 2. refried beans 3. jalapenos 4. sour cream.
First time, and probably only time for many of them.

I love the aspect of my job that is introducing Japanese students to "strange things" like burritos and Taylor Swift. hehe.

BUT, I'm not the only one that goes above and beyond to introduce my students to new things (what I mean by above and beyond is that we spend our own money...). To the left is Christmas dinner that my friend and ALT held at his house for his English club. He ordered real turkey which is impossible to get in Japan, and ham too, which is also impossible to find in the holiday chunk. His mother sent him the velveeta and there was so much American goodness to go around. Cranberry sauce. Stuffing. Awesomeness. Too bad I'm vegetarian, and could barely eat any of it...

Oh, btw, when I say vegetarian, I mean "Japanese vegetarian" which means seafood is okay. :) So pescetarian I guess. It's pretty hard in Japan. I can't eat any kind of ramen or anything because most of the soup bases here are pork. But Udon is okay! And in terms of that day, lots of salad, velveeta and plain mashed potatoes :)

This was the church's Christmas dinner. Gotta love church events that involve lots of food. The fastest way to my heart is any mention of Costco.

Mmmmm, I just made myself hungry. I have lots of leftover Korean soup left. Gonna go boil some up. Ttfn.


  1. That's so cool that an official part of your job is to introduce your students to new food and other strange things. That picture of you and your DelScorchos is hilarious. Perhaps is you sent this post to DelTaco, they'd send you a jug of the stuff! LOL! It could happen, you never know! - G

  2. :) Hahaha, thanks Georgina. OR they could prosecute because my uncle either stole/paid off an unethical Del Taco guy to get ahold of so many, not for his personal use. And then sent them over country borders. haha. It's a dangerous line I walk. xoxo.

  3. wow, I didn't know you are a vegetarian! I used to be one..and I still sometimes go days without consuming meat. Yay, tofu<3 I'm going to have to try Del Scorcho since you keep mentioning it...I'm so curious.

  4. Hi Terry! I was vegetarian for 3 years, but then quit when I moved to Vietnam for a while.....toooooooo hard there! Here it's hard too, but I'm Ganbatte'ing it! :D
