Friday, April 30, 2010


At my special needs school, I got the chance to make Udon from scratch! Scratch scratch! It was one of the most awesome days ever. A absolutely adore that school for a lot of reasons, but a big part of it is the teachers that I work with there. They are always telling me interesting things about Japanese culture, and introducing new things to me. Soon I will go chopstick making, for instance. And soon I will tell you guys about what Japanese people do when their children lose their teeth! All care of F-san and O-san Sensei! :)

I got to take home six servings of the Udon we made. Only have one left now. You can freeze Udon, and then when I unfreeze it, boil it, add the right sauce, and viola!

F-Sensei is somewhat of an Udon master. I like to call him Jack-of-all-trades though. He sails! He speaks perfect English! He is Taiko drummer! He does Sumo! He is awesome.

I think he was a little frustrated guiding me through the Udon making, because I am barely able to sift flour, apparently. :)

One day does not pass without O-sensei teaching me something new. I think she appreciates it the most when I share my culture! When I brought real chips and salsa to school one day, she was so excited. her first tortilla chip ever!

Here's me cooking the raw Udon! Do you like my little tiny kitchen stove setup!? There is no such thing as an oven in Japan. :/ The Udon must be boiled for 18 minutes, and then quickly rinsed and tossed in cold water, then prepare as usual.

Video of O-Sensei in action!

P.S. On a more recent note--Yesterday I took a trip to Fukuoka with my ward Branch President and his family! It was a really awesome day. Got to see the Fukuoka temple, go the Fukuoka zoo, go shopping in Canal City, and yes........GO TO COSTCO! Although this time I bought more stuff for other people than I did for myself. Next time, I go in secret, so every inch of car space will be mine. ;) Love you T and G.

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