Friday, July 22, 2011

Down time activities

Badminton is one of the most popular sports in Japan. Before coming here, maybe I played it in Junior High School a few times? But I didn't really know anything about it. I would always prefer volleyball, but on some days when there are no classes, some of the other teachers invite me to play! And it's fun! I just stink at it. I can't get use to the badminton racquet. I treat it like a tennis racket..which I probably don't know how to use either. haha.

I really like the camaraderie between teachers at my base school. Through random spontaneous sporting events like this, I have learned so much useful vocabulary too. Close one! In! Out! You suck! Winner! Loser! I get called a loser often, you see. hehe.

My supervisor, below, is the badminton queen of the world! I probably won't ever play again, after leaving Japan! How sad!!! Great memories here. :)

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