Thursday, February 3, 2011

Setsubun year 2

Here's my post on Setsubun from last year: here.

I was really excited about 節分 this year, because I have faith that it means an end to the cold!!! Wishful thinking? Today was really nice. I was only cold once, rather than severely cold 102% of the time.

Let's see...did I do everything I needed to do today? I ate beans. I ate makizushi. I threw beans out of my house, and then backwards into my house while chanting in Japanese "Devil's get out (of my house), luck get in (my house)!" Ah, I ate the makizushi while facing South by Southeast.

By the way, here is a picture of me posing inside of the makizushi:

Makizushi is a long sushi roll thing, that is pretty phallic. One of Christina's teachers was telling her today that he heard on TV that the practice of eating makizushi started in Osaka at a hostess bar, where the bartender was joking about some very adult-contented stuff. I don't know how true that is.

This website says that the bean throwing is an ancient tradition, but doesn't mention about the makizushi. So maybe it does have a sexual beginning! ...And upon reading that article, I jut realized that I ate the beans without much thought. I didn't count them out, according to my age. Crap!! I must have eaten like 100. It's okay, sometimes I feel like an old lady. :)

Last year I just ate an onigiri (rice ball), so I'm a step up on eating the right kind of sushi, but a step down for not counting out my beans.

鬼は~外! ・゜゜・。\(・o・ ) 福は〜内.

(above you can see the little guy throwing the beans, casting out the demons!)
"Oni wa soto .... .... ... huku wa uchi!"

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