Thursday, March 10, 2011


Fellow volleyball players, leaving Hofu. LDS missionaries move around quite often, meaning that our volleyball teams change a lot.

I miss Elder Adams and Elder Wilson, but the new missionaries are awesome too!!


I've gotten use to playing volleyball for couple hours every Monday evening.

But this entire month, the gym where we play is 100% booked! Oh no!

It also got me am I going to get my volleyball on when I return to America? Are there clubs or something, for anybody?

I play with a mix of Japanese and foreigners. Some LDS missionaries here, a splattering of students there.

It's such a random and awesome eclectic group of people.

Volleyball is definitely my favorite sport. Not interested in basketball or baseball or football. I guess soccer is okay.

But hand me a volleyball and point to a net, and you've made yourself a friend!


  1. I heard about the earthquakes this morning. I just wanted to check in and see if you are OK. Hope everything is alright with you. Hugs - G

  2. Thank you Georgina. I'm in the southwestern most part of the main island. So I was unaffected. There is another main island blocking us from tsunami too. I feel thankful that life was near normal here, but of course I'm very sad for the rest of Japan. Also my 16 year old sister was scheduled to come here in one week, and now my father is thinking about not letting her come. :/
